Siemens Energy dropped again at the end of last week. The share price fell by a total of -1%. Even more dramatically, the share fell by -7.5 % within one week. That is much too weak, in order to justify a fast trend reversal, mean the Chartanalysten. These refer to the fact that Siemens Energy took now in the yearly comparison the weakest conceivable course. Almost even the all-time low has been reached.
Thus the share is on the way to finally spoil the mood with new negative records. For good? After all, even before the new week, there are still analysts who believe that the Siemens Energy share price has considerable potential.
Siemens Energy: New week, fresh luck?
Siemens Energy is currently unlucky in that it is not the only company affected. There is a general lack of confidence in companies that could potentially benefit from the energy turnaround. This has also affected Siemens Energy, as has the interest rate debate. So far, there has been no significant news. But the interest rate discussion is.
Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Siemens Energy?
According to estimates, the company will lose money this year. Rising interest rates increase costs in such situations. According to analysts, the share is therefore fundamentally too expensive. From a purely economic point of view, things are unlikely to get much better until 2024. Then, however, Siemens Energy’s profits would lead to a low P/E ratio again. Estimates put this at around 19.3 times.
Analysts are quite positive on the company for this reason. Their estimates are surprisingly high in relation to the target price. The upside is 66%. This is a premium that would lead to a target price of 19.02 euros – so the analysts are obviously looking beyond this year’s performance.
Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre Siemens Energy-Analyse von 23.02. liefert die Antwort:
Wie wird sich Siemens Energy jetzt weiter entwickeln? Ist ihr Geld in dieser Aktie sicher? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen und warum Sie jetzt handeln müssen, erfahren Sie in der aktuellen Analyse zur Siemens Energy Aktie