Plug Power share: More than 1,000 %!

Those who have Plug Power in their portfolios were able to enjoy a tidy gain on the stock markets on Friday. It went up by over 4 %. This was the first trading gain in four days. Numerous analysts had already announced or considered possible a far-reaching crash of the US stock in view of the downward trend.

On the other hand, professional observers currently expect a massive gain for the share. According to the Marketscreener consensus, the stock could reach a price target 158 % above current prices. The target price: 17.10 dollars. The price targets are still modest by comparison, even if this may sound implausible.

Plug Power: The history of price targets

We are talking here about the respective average of the price targets. The average has been plummeting for more than 2.5 years. Now, for the first time in years, the price target is less than 20 dollars. This brings it into line with the reality of the stock markets, since the price has also fallen. Nevertheless: Against this background, the analysts are obviously very well reflected and also include the partly disappointing news from the US company in their considerations.

It does not look particularly good, according to the opinion of economically oriented analysts. They expect a loss of -704 million dollars for 2023. This loss will occur even if Plug Power achieves the projected sales of 1.2 billion dollars. However, Plug Power had recently also assured this.

Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Plug Power?

In the coming year, sales are even expected to rise to 1.965 billion dollars. Nevertheless, a loss of -323 million dollars is expected.

Therefore, there is no backing from the economic sector. Nevertheless, the price targets remain as high as described. The highest price target is even a plus of 1,080 %.


Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre Plug Power-Analyse von 11.01. liefert die Antwort:

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