Nel ASA slid down again in the early hours on Wednesday. The stock is in a steep decline, and there is indeed news that deserves attention. Whether the markets are still paying close attention remains uncertain.
Nel ASA is in freefall. The stock has experienced a veritable crash amid increasing trading volumes. It has failed to hold the €1 mark and is thus considered a penny stock. Furthermore, it has been consistently declining, reaching €0.70, the lowest point in the past three years.
The stock has lost its support and is considered lost for the time being, especially among technical analysts. This is a bad sign in the short term, according to analysts.
Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Nel ASA?
Construction of a gigafactory
However, Nel ASA continues to move forward. A press release from Tuesday indicates that Nel ASA will establish a Gigafactory in Michigan. This factory is intended for electrode production with an annual capacity of 4 gigawatts. It’s important to note that this is not a final investment decision, as stated in the press release. However, the financing of $50 million, including funds from a Michigan Business Development Grant, is secured.
This, in turn, demonstrates that the business activities are ongoing. Initially, the markets seem to have neither positively nor negatively reacted to this news. The stock prices are continuing their downward trend, as indicated by technical analyses based on GD100 or GD200, showing that the company currently maintains a significant distance from a trend reversal situation. However, this can change at any time, as is often the case when sentiment shifts, such as when a sell-off ends. The quarterly earnings report on October 25th could be an opportunity for such a situation.
Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre Nel ASA-Analyse von 26.12. liefert die Antwort:
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