Deutsche Telekom stock: That´s a shock!

Deutsche Telekom shares are currently showing mixed performance. With a closing price of 19.97 euros last Tuesday and a decline of 2.8%, the situation is tense. However, the month as a whole shows a slightly positive trend with an increase of 1.1%. An investment in Deutsche Telekom shares should therefore be made carefully. Not only the mere share price is meaningful, but also the progress and challenges that the company is experiencing in the field of network expansion.

  • Closing price on Tuesday: 19.97 EUR
  • Monthly change: +1.1%


Network expansion in Germany

The expansion of mobile networks in Germany is an important factor for the long-term value of Deutsche Telekom shares. According to the Federal Network Agency, the area coverage for 5G is already at 89%, a remarkable growth of 38.1% year-on-year. For 4G, coverage is even higher: 97.2%. Despite this progress, there are challenges such as finding suitable locations for radio masts.


Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Deutsche Telekom?

Should investors sell immediately? Or is it worth investing in Deutsche Telekom after all?

  • 5G coverage: 89%
  • 4G coverage: 97.2%


Competitive Scenario and Customer Perspective

Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica (O2) dominate the German market, but the fourth player 1&1 is already waiting on the starting blocks. The published statistics can be misleading for customers, because high area coverage does not necessarily mean high network quality for all customers. This is a point that investors should keep in mind when valuing Deutsche Telekom shares.

Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Deutsche Telekom?

  • Main competitors: Vodafone, Telefónica (O2).
  • New market player: 1&1


Analyst rating and future forecast

UBS valuation remains for Deutsche Telekom shares at “buy.” Analyst Polo Tang does not expect any surprises in terms of investments and sees cash inflows from the U.S. subsidiary T-Mobile US as a positive factor. These aspects could favor a revaluation of Deutsche Telekom shares, which could be a signal for potential investors to reconsider their positions.


  • UBS rating: Buy
  • Positive signals: Cash inflows from T-Mobile US


Buy, hold, or sell? – Your Deutsche Telekom analysis of 27/09 provides the answer:

What are the prospects for Deutsche Telekom´s development? Is this stock a safe investment for your money?

The answers to these questions and why you need to act now can be found in the current analysis of Deutsche Telekom stock.


Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre Deutsche Telekom-Analyse von 05.02. liefert die Antwort:

Wie wird sich Deutsche Telekom jetzt weiter entwickeln? Ist ihr Geld in dieser Aktie sicher? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen und warum Sie jetzt handeln müssen, erfahren Sie in der aktuellen Analyse zur Deutsche Telekom Aktie

Deutsche Telekom: Kaufen oder verkaufen? Hier weiterlesen...