Die Coca-Cola Aktie zeigt sich stabil – gestern stieg sie um +0,20%, in der vergangenen Woche waren es +0,07%. Die Analysten sind jedoch der Meinung, dass die Aktie unterbewertet ist und das wahre Kursziel bei 62,19 EUR liegt.
• Coca-Cola: Am 13.10.2023 mit +0,20%
• Das Kursziel von Coca-Cola liegt bei 62,19 EUR
• Guru-Rating von Coca-Cola bleibt das selbe mit 4,25
Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei
502 Bad Gateway
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1 Cloud
Edge Network www.finanztrends.de
Your Destination What happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1Cloud
Edge Networkwww.finanztrends.de
Your DestinationWhat happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
12 Bankanalysten empfehlen den Kauf der Aktie und weitere sechs betrachten sie als starkes Kaufsignal. Nur sechs Experten zeigen sich neutral eingestellt und vergeben somit ein “halten”. Der Anteil an optimistischen Meinungen beläuft sich auf insgesamt +75%.
Coca-Colas Guru-Rating bleibt konstant bei einem Wert von 4,25.
Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre
502 Bad Gateway
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1 Cloud
Edge Network www.finanztrends.de
Your Destination What happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
-Analyse von 22.01. liefert die Antwort:
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1Cloud
Edge Networkwww.finanztrends.de
Your DestinationWhat happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
Wie wird sich
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1Cloud
Edge Networkwww.finanztrends.de
Your DestinationWhat happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1Cloud
Edge Networkwww.finanztrends.de
Your DestinationWhat happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
502 Bad Gateway
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1 Cloud
Edge Network www.finanztrends.de
Your Destination What happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.
: Kaufen oder verkaufen? Hier weiterlesen...
Bad Gateway
We could not establish a connection to www.finanztrends.de
IP: 2a01:4f8:c012:6027::1Cloud
Edge Networkwww.finanztrends.de
Your DestinationWhat happened?
There was a problem that occured while connecting to www.finanztrends.de origin server. The server hosting the website might be unavailable.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor, please try again in a few minutes. If you are the administrator, please check your origin server status.