China’s leading carmaker, BYD, is calling on its competitors to team up and jointly conquer the global market. This remarkable call was made during a major event in the Chinese automotive industry. CEO Wang Chuanfu stressed the need for Chinese auto brands to become more globally present, which was met with widespread approval. But at the same time, it also highlighted the growing tensions between domestic and international-oriented car manufacturers. When will the BYD share be able to perform?
Intensive price war and the path to new “Chinese cars”
The price war started by Tesla in January has thrown China’s automotive sector into intense competition. BYD recently posted a video showing the evolution of several competitors, from well-established companies like FAW Group to emerging EV startups. This video highlights the common ground of the industry and concludes with a call to jointly establish new world-class car brands under the banner “Chinese Cars”.
Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei BYD?
Karaoke app for an entertaining driving experience in BYD’s electric vehicles
Electric car giant BYD is planning a surprising innovation: the integration of a Canadian media company’s karaoke app into its latest energy vehicles. This app will not only spice up the driving experience, but also function as part of the in-vehicle infotainment system (IVI). The app will be available in many languages and thus underlines the international nature and user-friendliness of the system. This move demonstrates BYD’s commitment to elevate the driving experience to an entertaining and modern level.
Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei BYD?
Buy, hold, or sell? – Your BYD analysis of 16/08 provides the answer:
What are the prospects for BYD´s development? Is this stock a safe investment for your money?
The answers to these questions and why you need to act now can be found in the current analysis of BYD stock.
Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre BYD-Analyse von 09.03. liefert die Antwort:
Wie wird sich BYD jetzt weiter entwickeln? Ist ihr Geld in dieser Aktie sicher? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen und warum Sie jetzt handeln müssen, erfahren Sie in der aktuellen Analyse zur BYD Aktie